After closing over $3,000,000 in sales personally and scaling teams of sales guys to over $12,000,000 per year, I've learned EXACTLY what works (and what doesn't) when it comes to turning good leads (and "bad" ones) into profitable sales.
Over the past 5 years I've researched and split tested literally every area of selling you can think of...
- Tonality
- Discovery
- Closes
- Pre-closes
- Objection handles
- Management
- Etc.
And to be completely honest, probably 80% of what I tried didn't work at all. I'm talking sales metrics probably worse than you've ever seen.
But the 20% that did work MORE than made up for all of the 'Ls' I took.
See at the end of the day sales really isn't all that hard. Which is why it creates more "idiot" millionaires than any other profession on the face of the earth. But the thing is, you have to be using the right system or you're dead in the water (no matter how smart you are).
Here's the good news... I've boiled down the winning 20% of my sales tactics (the tactics that worked insanely well for me and my teams) into a copy and paste system that you can start using immediately.
How much it will cost you?
My clients pay me $10,000+ just for 2-day strategy sessions alone to help them with sales.
My consulting clients pay $30,000+ per year to get access to my best performing sales frameworks and strategies.
IF you wanted to order 1 hour consulting call with me it would be $2,500 and you would have to wait for 6 weeks for your spot.
Now with Sales Mastery you don’t have to pay $10,000, you don’t have to pay $30,000, you don’t have even to pay $1,000.